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  • in reply to: Week 21 Discussion Question #3575

    Layering digital information onto real world environments allows navigation through multiple restricts that one could face. For one, it could offer historical value in the sense of viewing and engaging with a landscape. Seeing the past layered onto the future enables the person to understand the historical and physical differences that have occurred. It also offers accessibility to continuing research and tracking transformations in spaces and time. Having a geographical location and interactive material to visualize a place makes all the difference in understanding and evaluating the history of the past and how it turned into the present.

    in reply to: Week 18 Discussion Question #3393

    I think that computers games offer a visual language in interpreting the past. Being able to interact and physically see the the information come to life is something unique to this technology. Also, a game allows for a new way of learning the information. Instead of the traditional learning style that a book can offer, a game can engage with the participant. It becomes a more amusing way to learn and absorb the knowledge. The participant will be more invested and interested in learning more as the game continues.

    in reply to: Week 16 Discussion #3276

    This quote speaks to the changing concepts in what we believe history to be. Websites offer a discussion space which then allows for information to be presented and opinions to be shared. Websites also offer different technologies and tools to understand the content in different perspectives which can be proven useful. the idea that everyone can include their own opinion and findings on multiple platforms allows historians to track the progress and research on their intended field of study. Websites are able to reach a wider audience therefore spreading the message even farther that on paper.

    in reply to: Week 15 Discussion Question #3240

    My previous opinions of the Wikipedia site has definitely changed after our class discussion. I was always taught not to trust the information on this site because of the many editors that are available to the different pages. Instead, I would use Wikipedia as a starting point for my research instead of using it as an actual source. In turn I have missed the many useful tools that Wikipedia has to offer. For example, their footnotes and hyperlinks to sources used to supply the page with facts and information are a very helpful tool for researchers. Our classroom discussion has made these tools present and has changed the way I view Wikipedia as a beneficial tool in conducting research.

    in reply to: Week 14 Discussion Question #3228

    Wikipedia’s NPOV policy encourages a non-bias, non-judgmental space where subjects can be written that do not favour a certain point of view. This allows the audience to grasp a better understanding of the topic in general as apose to learning about a one sided view of it. Everyone has an opinion and everyone has a right to that opinion. As soon as outside sources start editing Wikipedia pages with their own personal opinions, the NPOV policy is no longer existent. This will always be something to consider as long as Wikipedia remains a site where anyone can have access to editing.

    in reply to: Week 13 Discussion Question #3217

    The use of various tools certainly makes the process less time consuming but leaves room for errors than can occur with the many processes during a digital project. Relying on digital sources and tools can sometimes leave you empty handed. Also, with a digital project, the development of delivering your message to a wider audience can be an issue. creating a user friendly yet inviting design can prove to be difficult depending on what message you are trying to relay to your audience. In this sense, a digital project can be much more difficult that one of paper and ink. there are many more things to consider and construct when developing a digital project.

    in reply to: Week 12 Discussion Question #3196

    communicating with a group to complete tasks is extremely important. It allows for communication lines to remain open and ideas to flow in an efficient manner. One tool I find useful is google docs. Not only does this application allow for multiple users to edit at the same time, it also allows for live chat and sharing abilities. The work that has been written and edited among the group is then automatically saved to your personal google drive account without the need to constantly hit the save button. This is another useful aspect about google docs that ensures that no work is lost during the process of writing and editing.

    Aside from sharing and editing work, an application called whatsapp allows for a group to create a conversation. this is a helpful tool when communicating with group members about due dates, tasks ideas, etc. The good thing about this application is that it is available to both android and apple mobile devices. Some downsides included the constant need for internet access to maintain connection to load new conversation material. Another shortcoming is the need for a mobile device. users need a mobile device that suports application processing. this is because whatsapp is attached to a cell phone number which is used to create your account. There are come people who do not have a cell phone which is where this application can be useless.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by elisagalloro.
    in reply to: Week 9 Discussion Question #3109

    The efficiency and effectiveness of the search engine is what I would focus on when creating one. The use of an advance search option maximizes the amount of specific information and quality and quantity of the work being researched. I would also include the option of date selection as this would save the researcher time looking through sources that don’t match their specifications.Key words and/or phrases would also be useful when creating a search engine. This would aid in the user experience which allows for better search results pertaining to their topic of interest.

    in reply to: Week 6 Discussion Question #2916

    The creativity of a podcast challenges and defies the originality and historical sense of source material through a new media platform. One is able to comment and contest any source and essentially open a conversation about new meanings of historical education. I view podcasts as having a conversation about a topic rather than reciting an essay as an example. It is a media platform where personality, experience, and personal thoughts can be said, thought and reviewed by listeners in various parts of the world. this one of the many benefits of creating a podcast. very much like a radio, it is a portable way to listen to intriguing topics and commentary on something that interests you. The audio recording aspect of a podcast is also challenging the written part of what we know history to be. Instead of reading books or essays, a podcast offers audio. This is a fantastic option for those who are unable to read words on a page. The academic component of written source material is being challenged with the use of podcasts and with those who listen to them.

    in reply to: Week 5 Discussion Question #2879

    The meaning of copyright is very different in which society has used it in the past. When the term copyright was first mentioned and introduced in the sense of web use, it referred to contributors and authors of the site. When looking at a historical website, more importantly it refers to not only these people but also the original source in which the information is being interpreted or transcribed from. With the abundance of information available through technology, it is easy to get lost in who is to be recognized as the original source or author of any given text found. This is why the issue of copyright is such a pertinent issue for historians, especially in today’s society.

    in reply to: Week 4 Discussion Question #2828

    A good design for any website starts with clear and presentable information that is attractive to the intended audience. Being intrigued by the information and its display is the key to grabbing the audiences attention and getting them to further explore the site. One website that i find captures the essence of a great design is Amazon.I am ashamed to admit I am on this site more often than not. Amazon, in my opinion, offers consumers efficiency, clarity and ease with the way its site is designed beginning with the home page. Its basic, clean cut design invites a multitude of buyers to purchase any one of the thousands of items at their disposal. Its different tabs in the drop down menu categorize the thousands of items for sale which is one of the ways to navigate your purchase. Another useful tool in the sites design is the search bar. I find this incredibly useful when looking for a specific item. These features aid in customer satisfaction and overall web design. The fact that customers do not have to go through different channels to finally end up on an item they want to purchase makes it all the better. Its design makes for everyday browsing and buying very easy and time efficient.

    I am sure many people know about the wonders of Amazon but just incase here is the link to browse through yourself

    in reply to: Week 3 Discussion Question #2683

    I think a good history website is one that focuses on the type of audience which then will help construct the type of website and information that is being presented. I would label this characteristic as selective and organized. A lot of history websites provide information on all types of events and milestones. The problem with this is that the really important and relevant information gets lost in it all. Focusing on a type of audience will then help the creator present their information in a way that will be helpful, understanding and informative. This doesn’t go to say that other characteristics such as presentation, accuracy and creativity have no part in making a good history website. There are many other qualities that go into making a good history website that is both interactive and engaging to the user.

    in reply to: Week 1 Discussion Question #2522

    I took this course because of the way Professor Kheraj described it back when I was taking Canadian History. Our world is constantly advancing with new and exciting technology and what better way to learn it than to create it. I am excited and eggar to advance my technological skills as well as grasp a greater understand of the influence digital media has on our growing world. Although i do not hold much skill in this department, I am hoping that this course will change that. This course presents a great opportunity to learn and understand so that in the future, I can incorporate and teach the next generation. I am looking forward to the upcoming weeks and the projects that await.

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